
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Freedom Plaza Occupy

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Freedom Plaza celebrates a year of Occupation by Peace Activists.

Please, White House dwellers and hopefuls, take note:  Fairfax Freedom Farm and Occupy Freedom Plaza will not allow autocracy, tyranny nor dictatorship.

October 6, 2011 - October 6, 2012

Thanks to Winston, all of Fairfax Freedom Farm.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 4, 2012

We've brought back some of the images of Philadelphia, July 4th, 2012.  A sample

Happy Holiday.  !Liberdad!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Occupy DC events for this weekend June 22 - 25, 2012

Movie Night: Salt of the Earth

Public Event · By Zach Callahan, Joel Prentice Northam and Mike Golash

1329 14th St. NW, Washington DC
Come to Zach's place this Saturday evening at 7:30 for a movie night brought to you by Occupy DC's Labor Commitee. Bring snacks and drinks to share if you want. We will be watching "Salt of the Earth".
Based on an actual strike against the Empire Zinc Mine in New Mexico, the film deals with the prejudice against the Mexican-American workers, who struck to attain wage parity with Anglo workers in other mines and to be treated with dignity by the bosses. The film is an early treatment of feminism, because the wives of the miners play a pivotal role in the strike, against their husbands wishes. In the end, the greatest victory for the workers and their families is the realization that prejudice and poor treatment are conditions that are not always imposed by outside forces. This film was written, directed and produced by members of the original "Hollywood Ten," who were blacklisted for refusing to answer Congressional inquiries on First Amendment grounds.
The entrance is to the right of Besson's Cleansing Establishment. We'll put up a sign. It's on 14th St. between N St. and Rhode Island Ave.

DC March Against Torture, Guantanamo & the NDAA

Public Event · By Security with Human Rights Campaign

1:00pm until 2:30pm
Meet at the reflecting pool in front of the US Capitol, Washington DC
Washington DC March Against Torture, Guantanamo, Indefinite Detention & the NDAA
Please join the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, Witness Against Torture, Amnesty International and many others in the fight against torture, Guantanamo and indefinite detention this June, Torture Awareness Month!
We are organizing a march in orange jumpsuits from the US Capitol to the White House on Sunday June 24th, to show elected officials that we the people demand an end to human rights abuses in our names. Join us!
When: Sunday June 24th from 1PM - 2:30PM
Where: Meet at the reflecting pool in front of the US Capitol building in Washington DC
What: March in orange jumpsuits from the Capitol to the White House
Keynote Speaker: Stephen Xenakis, MD, Ret. Brigadier General
Why: To stand against torture, Guantanamo, indefinite detention and the National Defense Authorization Act and to ask for the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA torture to be published
Who: Amnesty International, National Religious Campaign Against Torture, Witness Against Torture, America Come Home, American Civil Liberties Union,, Bellevue/NYU Center for Survivors of Torture, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Victims of Torture, CODEPINK, Council on American Ismalic Relations, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Liberty Coalition, Midwest Antiwar Mobilization, NC Stop Torture Now, Pax Christi USA, PEN American Center, Physicians for Human Rights, Rabbis for Human Rights, North America Refugee Media Project, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition, United Nations Association, USA East Bay Chapter, Voices for Creative Nonviolence,, War Criminals Watch, World Can't Wait.
More Info: Email or sign up at
Tweet: Join #June24 march in DC against #Torture #Guantanamo & #NDAA.
Info: @No_More_Torture and @ZekeJohnsonAi

Tales of Tent-City

Public Event · By Occupy Our Homes DC

Here's to liberating another park for
Teach-in's! * Tent Exhibits!
Music! * Food! * Fun!
Please join us at Lamont Park for this unique event! Bring a picnic & come meet other DC residents for a day of hope and inspiration for housing for all. Get inspired by the powerful stories of reclaiming our homes & affordable housing! Explore the interactive tent exhibits! Have your face painted! Enjoy meeting neighbors and other DC residents who need affordable housing!
12:00-1pm Welcome and Music
1:00-2:00pm What You Need To Know About Affordable Housing
2:30-3:00pm Affordable for Whom?: The Affordable Dwelling Unit Program
3:00-3:30pm Making Affordable Housing in DC Inclusive--Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning
3:30-4:00pm A Vanishing Act: The Erosion and Disappearance of Rent Control
3:00-3:30pm From Statehood to the War on Terror: DC's Housing Crisis Revealed
3:30-4:00pm The Housing Crisis Hits Home: Affordable Housing Issues in Mt Pleasant and Columbia Heights
5:00-6:00pm: Let's Stir It Up! Tales of Organizing from Below!
6:00-9:00pm: Fandango Concert with Son Jarocho Music, Dancing and More!

The Weather Underground

Public Event · By Occupy Peace House
7:00pm until 10:00pm
Monday, June 25, 2012

Phone: (202) 682-4282

Occupy Peace House
1233 12th Street NW (between M & N)
Washington, D.C. 20005

Please join us for our movie and discussion night at the Peace House.
Thirty years ago, a group of young American radicals called The Weathermen announced their intention to overthrow the U.S. government. Fueled by outrage over the Vietnam War and racism in America, they went underground during the 1970s, bombing targets across the country that they felt symbolized "the real violence" that the U.S. government and capitalist power were wreaking throughout the world. From pitched battles with police on Chicago's city streets, to bombing the U.S. Capitol building, to breaking acid-guru Timothy Leary out of prison, this carefully organized clandestine network attempted to incite a national revolution, while successfully evading one of the largest FBI manhunts in history. One of the top documentaries of the year, this award-winning film interweaves extensive archival material with modern-day interviews to explore the incredible story of "The Weather Underground." As former members reflect candidly about the idealistic passion that drove them to "bring the war home," they paint a compelling portrait of troubled and revolutionary times, with unexpected and often striking connections to the current world situation.

Fairfax Freedom Farm protests rio +20 inaction

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Occupy Freedom Plaza, Winston Lindsley throws shoe, Fairfax Tydfil

Winston was joined by his family and friends, both old and new, to celebrate his birthday and his activism in the fight for human rights around the world. His passion for justice and honor in the USA and Bahrain in particular inspired the painting that features Winston throwing his shoe at the military oppression in Bahrain in front of the White House Peace Vigil at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Thanks to all that attended, particularly to Alex, Rob and the children and George for making the trip from Philly.
Also a big thanks to Mike Barczynski and Ann Johnson the artists!

Art for Winston Lindsley June 2 2012 Occupy Freedom Plaza and Fairfax Freedom Farm

Winston Charles

Occupy Bilderberg 2012

Winston holds aphasia card
Winston and Alex Jones

Monday, May 21, 2012

The two are frame photo'ed here, Bahrain and Britain.
Winston points to the photo of himself, with the Prime Minister
Al Khalifa. Charles wishes to encourage new friendships between
those powered, those powerless. To accomplish resolution.
From the front lines

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Art Salon at Fairfax Freedom Farm

White House Peace Vigil and crowd

Bahraini tribute, solidarity via art

Red and white, the colors of the Bahraini flag,
the colors of blood cells

Saturday, May 19, 2012

To Clinton

Dear Secretary Clinton,

Please note, this letter was written and co authored by a *third party with my full editorial control.
I require assistance to communicate my thoughts and understanding of my environment as I suffer from aphasia.

 I have suffered severe injustice as a disabled United States citizen in Bahrain.
My rights as an American business owner and job creator have also been abused.
My American heritage traces back to the Mayflower. Winston Churchill was first cousin to my great grandmother. I was born to a life of privilege and wealth. But I am no stranger to adversity.
My father took his own life after losing our family’s fortune. I was homeless at fifteen. I dropped out of school and got a job. I attended trade school. I worked hard and took risks.
I was driven to regain the honor of my family and remake the riches lost. From Woodstock to Moscow, my life became an international expansion of the American dream.
 On April 29, 2002 I addressed the Russian Institute of American Businesses as a guest speaker. I challenged them to establish real partnership with our former enemies. I challenged our congress and our chamber of commerce to use the tactics that had made my dreams possible, be sincere in their dealings with these new capitalists, and our banks to be ethical in their practices.  I had recovered from my hardship and was electrified by the prospects of building a peaceful international economy. I was committed to doing my part creating jobs here, in the United States, as well as in over twenty foreign countries.
I was rushed to the hospital with chest pain just six hours later. With surgery, I survived a massive aortic rupture. Only one person in ten can say as much.  I awoke with a disabling case of aphasia.
 Suddenly, my capability to articulate my thoughts and direct my international operations had been drastically altered.  I could not manage my investments in Bahrain, Russia, or here in America.
I worked diligently to recover with the help of Gennadiy, my good friend and Russian business partner. Five months later, ITIC’s Vice President tragically died from injuries sustained in a plane crash. Without him and I, the businesses were taken over. I pushed on. I worked with others recovering from brain injury, serving on the board of the Aphasia Foundation and contributing part of my small fortune to helping others struggling to feel understood and represented, respected and loved.
  For years, I continued to recover physically and regain some of my speech, but my aphasia makes it impossible to articulate verbally or in writing the complexity of my thought and understanding. I understand actions more clearly and I have been wronged.
 I request to meet with your department in order to explore resolution of my debt and to potentially bring relief from the continued suffering of millions in Bahrain and throughout the region.
My personal grievance involves the Al Khalifa family and a debt of $650,000 owed to me.
I loaned one million dollars interest free in 2008. Our U.S. economy was collapsing from the reckless speculation in the unregulated financial industry. Even at no interest, my capital at least was safe. Or so I thought. Repayment is long overdue. The few payments I have received, leave me little as I lose nearly half to taxes, too little to pay my growing bills.
You could not ask for a more motivated or determined partner in bringing about a sustainable and replicable solution
in Bahrain. We believe we can help.
  I am now compelled to return to Bahrain and collect my debt.

My aphasia often compels me to act with direct action, unfiltered.
 I have found throwing my shoe is a widely recognized substitute for the spoken word and I use it as an expression of free speech. This caused my arrest here in Washington D.C. last year and my near arrest last trip to Bahrain. I do not wish to recreate this spectacle needlessly.

We wish to help the administration reduce the conflict of the region and establish a model of hope and respect. We believe it possible to bring about a dignified reconciliation in Bahrain and around the world. We look to help develop a universal focus of hope for an abundance in this and future generations.
We are in need of an innovative solution to the economic and social chaos present today.

Developing means and providing access to food, water and shelter for community is not only the moral minimum or our humanitarian responsibility, it is the basis of a sustainable economy.

 I understand what we are faced with requires high hopes and our most imaginative demands.
Times that are upon us require extraordinary design. Let me talk to a trusted delegate and explore the feasibility of a proposed project that has come to my attention and is worthy of support.

I am a patriot of my country and a strong supporter of human rights at every level.
I anxiously await your reply and focusing our resources more effectively on all of our shared objectives, Peace in the middle east and around the world.

 Winston Jerome Lindsley
703 405 1732

“In my country, as in yours, public men are proud to be servants of the state and would be ashamed to be its masters.”  Winston Churchill 26 Dec 1941

“He turned to face the Capitol and gave his shoe a mighty toss in its direction. Although no one was actually hit this time, he symbolically decimated every lawyer, lobbyist and member of Congress in one stroke.”  Bob Ballard, of Winston Lindsley 26 Dec 2011

*this letter co crafted by Charles Holsopple ,
veteran U S Army, 1972-1975, independent journalist, friend and vigil keeper.
813 357 9037
“We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom. And now, as in no other age, we seek it because we have been warned, by the power of modern weapons, that peace may be the only climate possible for human life itself.”
DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, Second Inaugural Address, Jan. 21, 1957

The people of the world genuinely want peace. Some day the leaders of the world are going to have to give in and give, it to them.
       Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Morning Before Earth Day (.3)

Morning Before Earth Day (Two)

Morning Before Earth Day One

Garden Video:  Deb Van Poolen, permaculturalist, Winston, Urban, Matthew and the plants in another edition of Fairfax Freedom Farm's series of its Garden Farm in Fairfax, VA.  Topics include the Potato Pile and the Compost, designed by Louis Urban


Gay Elder

While we process the garden video... a video wherein the speaker talks of the long history of the fight for equality.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Facebook:  winston.lindsley

See transcript in following post w/
Buddhist meal photo

Thanks for joining us
Winston Jerome Lindsley

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Soup de Jour

Winston prepares the counter for a soup de jour:
Orange Peppers
Yellow Squash
Green Peppers
Portabello (3) Mushrooms
Red Bell Peppers
Yellow Peppers
Green Onions
White Onions
Dino Kale

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Earth of Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, approximately200,000 years after the inception of humanity as it now is

From the Soil-Soaked Desk of Aquaponics Student and Avionics Engineer Matthew Michel,

Dear Freedom Farm and associated families, including all Kingdoms and Phyla.

Winston's early years, by references caught while watching films...

the theatres of Philadelphia, of San Francisco, of Russia --

Listening to Eddie, Mr. Duchin.  Visits at home from the _____Twins, or whoever NYC elites were at the time.
Of Mrs. Linsley's prime:  Fanshawe had an 'in' to the cable [cctv] television industry.   -------->

This is, most probably, whi I am sitting here a mini sonyhandycam hd
on a table, charging one of the voltaic piles

Car Charger:  soon we'll head into the District, to protest what is false in ourselves, in the deceptions we present ourselves by neglecting those areas of observation that include our errors, misdirections.

Winston and cassette players:  acknowledge that Winston has spent a half or so of his life working in, or around, cars.  Riding backseat driver-side on -- 
has a strange heat shield noise on the rising RPM's --

'in the car, passing parked cars.  Piles of coal.


IHOP at exit, Burger King, Chick Fil-A
[image of burning cigarette]

8 h - 30 year

12:34 Wat Lao visit
WINSTON:  from Chandrapone,  "lotta Buddha there"

My greatest appreciation for all

Friday, March 9, 2012

Freedom Farm bios

Everyone here connected at the Occupation on Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. Some of us spent months there while others came to the plaza recently. All of us are committed to freedom and social and economic justice and are creating a world where these values are the foundation of human existence.

I would like to introduce you to everyone one at a time and tell you a little about each of them.

Charles Holsopple

Charles Holsopple, of Global Shelter Projects, suggests that revolution be thought of as an awareness of the rotation of perception.  He recalls an artshow in Chicago:  "BE NOT AFRAID."  This message written again and again, in every possible language.  The Global Shelter Project (for which he brainstorms signs, "TURN IT AROUND," "YOU ARE HERE."  "YOU ARE HOME.") a system design wherein all 7 billion people of the planet will have access to food, water and shelter.  "If it can be done, or, with that possibility, it must be done."

Charles is an engineer of ease.  A comfort technician, an ergonomist, locating "where things fit, himself... a misfit."  He does not profess enlightenment, but understands, in our stubbornness, we have not released grief, attachment to resistance, to violence.

To create these prototype shelter systems is an investment in our future, not merely a trinket for now.

Bob Ballard

Bob drove his RV from Southern California in early October and joined the occupation of Freedom Plaza when it started on October 6, 2011. He is an award-winning singer/songwriter/composer and the founder of the Hearts Of Fire Project, a non-profit organization that empowers homeless people through artistic self-expression. Since he has been in the Washington, D.C. metro area, he has participated in a number of actions and performed his music at local events. In addition, he is writing articles for on-line publications and blogs about his experience at the occupations and is also writing a book.

Deb Van Poolen

Deb is from Ashland, Oregon. She came to Freedom Plaza in December after participating in the Occupation in Ashland. Deb is a highly skilled organic farmer and is helping us create a large garden here in the back yard. With her help, we have planned the garden layout and are preparing the soil for planting.
Matthew Michel

Matthew is 28 years old, born in Covington, Kentucky and has lived in many places within and without the United States of America. He moved to New York at the age of one and then to Nevada and Texas where he lived and studied while growing into the stunted and physically unattractive body he now inhabits.

Matthew is a writer of short fictions and screen plays; for this he remains uncompensated and dissatisfied with the large vacuum left absent by a lack of laughter for his humorous works. He has worked in films, music videos and musical touring in addition to hospitality and art space diplomacy. Matthew has met the lovely Angelica on a long peace trek in Pittsburgh and has vowed to cook her potatoes (that is, cook potatoes for her.)

Angelica Gatewood

Angela is here in Fairfax, Virginia through her association with the Occupation Movement. She spent a little over a month helping at the Pittsburgh encampment, often spending a great deal of time in the kitchen helping to prepare and transfer meals and maintain order and fairly sanitary conditions.

After meeting and teaming up with her best friend Matthew and cruising Pittsburgh Vanuary Van style (a traveling art van project of Bryan, Matt and all the people of Southside), they (with friends Fluffy, Sunshine, Driftwood and Dog Hitchhiker) set rubber and gasoline to asphalt and began a three-day trek to Washington, D.C. After spending their first few days in the Capitol, Matthew and Angelica decided to remain on Freedom Plaza.

Angelica’s mission is focused on resistance – one on a daily and personal level. She enacts change and advocating for peace by honing in on whatever exists within her psyche preventing peace from radiating out of her heart and releasing it with understanding. Angelica is practicing patience so this understanding can make itself clear to her through its natural process of development.

She is now involved with her friends and colleagues at Fairfax Freedom Farm in growing a food garden and harvesting the yields to share them with the other human beings spending their time and finding their eats here on Planet Earth.


Winston Jerome Lindsley, descendant of Sir
Winston Churchill, is an entrepreneur and
mechanical engineering instructor who has
worked in the Middle East and Russia
for many years.  Now, he is refocusing his
energy to create a more safe, democratic
world for friends in Bahrain and elsewhere
on Earth (this includes Fairfax, VA, as well
as Australia and Thailand.)  He is offering
his time and resources, in addition to
considerable expertise and labor, to create
a thriving food forest, sustaining activists
and activism.

March 30

"Golden Chance"

"... now or never."

MARCH 30 Hello all
In preparation for our season of gardening, we are
redesigning our beds and fence.

If you, or another you may know, can help MARCH 10 or the following weekdays, please let the Freedom Farm folks know

We can use your shovelling hands and greenthumbs.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fairfax Freedom Farm was created by a group of like-minded people from Occupy Washington, D.C. They met and worked together at Freedom Plaza and like many occupiers went on to create other projects to support the social justice goals of the occupation movement. Fairfax Freedom Farm is one of those projects.

The intention of the farm is to demonstrate the sustainability of life through the provision of one of its essential elements – healthy food. It is not enough to oppose the existing corporate food profit system. We must withdraw our support and participation in that system. In order to do that, an alternative structure must be available that would feed people in a healthy and sustainable way. Real freedom cannot exist until we are independent of the corporate power structure that dominates our lives and determines our survivability as a species.

Fairfax Freedom Farm is located in suburban Fairfax, Virginia and consists of a one acre plot designed around the latest organic farming techniques. The project is designed to maximize yield through the use of heirloom seeds and sustainable planting, cultivation and harvesting techniques that support interspecies synergy and resource efficiency.